Saturday, October 26, 2013

Legends of Detroit

The wind today has been heavy. The leaves are being bullied off of the trees like a drunken asshole getting kicked out of the club by a roided out bouncer. I was in Southwest Detroit today looking for a chill spot to take some photos and finish off my Punch Maduro cigar in peace. I figured the "Legends of Detroit" wall was a great option. Newark street offers one of the best visual experiences in Detroit. About a month ago it was like any other wall in the city with random, unorganized tags, pieces, burners and throwies decorating its all witnessing facade. The people at the Grand River Creative Corridor organized an event for most of the noteworthy graffiti artists in the city to be designated a piece of the wall to cement their infamy as legends of Detroit.
While in the middle of catching a few shots, members of the TCK Crew rolled up on me in a van. "Fon" hops out of the car and immediately recognizes me. I said wuttup to the crew and make mention that we should get together and get some footage. I always manage to run into someone I know or someone that knows me, wherever I'm at. 
Looking up and down at the wall, I see a lot of familiar names. Melo, Esey, Elmer, Sintex, Fel 3000ft, Nietz, Repht...everybody! Some I know in person, others whom I only know by their work that I see around the city, but all of the residents of the wall have established themselves as pros at this graffiti shit.
The TCK crew smashes out in their van and I'm left to completing my photo session and cigar alone. They just stopped to see what was good with me and then got on with their daily business. The chilly, windy, October morning has me feeling a sense of change in the air. 
As the unity of the graffiti artists in the city comes to an all time high, I remain cognizant of the fact that these are special times and that this is an era in the making. 

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