Sunday, October 27, 2013

Legends of Detroit Panorama

I woke up and decided to head back down to the Legends of Detroit wall again. I spent my first hour there trying to get the perfect shots to use in this panorama. It was no easy task trying to line up the shots and to keep the aspect ratio in line. I was about to head home after getting the shots when I noticed someone getting up on one of the walls. I decided to say wuttup and it was SEKS. It was my first time meeting him and he was a cool dude. Noticing that I was enjoying a tallcan, he decided we should go hit up the liquor store so he could get his swerve on, too. I kicked it with SEKS and his boys for a minute just mostly talking shit. After realizing this was gonna be the spot, I ended up spending the whole damn day at the wall. Kosek showed up to complete his massive 60 foot wildstyle and I had a good time talking with him and his wife. His wife was great. She was just sitting back in her director's chair and coaching Kosek along while he added some extra color to the piece. She's a writer herself so she knew exactly what the piece needed. Kosek's piece is an impressive sight. It's the largest piece on the wall and the symmetry of it is just sick. A lot of people started to buzz around the area to get a glimpse of the graffiti action taking place. Tourists slowed down to take snapshots. Fel 3000ft showed up with his son and we had a good conversation about art, the scene, the history, filming, and everything else. Fel is a good conversationalist and he's been in the Detroit scene since the 80's. He's highly respected and he's a laid back, chill typa dude. A freelance photographer  named Joshua Lott stopped by to see what was going on. He was new in town from Arizona and he had a lot of questions. I feel like an ambassador everytime I meet an out of towner that asks me anything about Detroit. I usually take advantage of those situations by being as friendly and informative as I can. I gave him a few leads on some stories as well as a few local connections. He asked about some good Mexican food and I directed him to Mexican Village. He gave me his card and then he left to go get some grub. With the day getting late, I decided to pack up and leave so I could get home to finish this panoramic shot. It's not perfect, but dammit, it took long enough. I hope you all enjoy and share it.

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