Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cleveland Indian Fans Disrespect Detroit...and then lose

The Detroit Tigers played the Cleveland Indians last night and it was a close game until the end. The Tigers ended up winning the game 6-5 but before the Indians lost, the drunken Cleveland fans decided to mock the Tigers fans in the stands by putting their own twist on the famed Tigers chant, "Let's Go Tigers!" into, "Detroit's Bankrupt!". Where's the beef, Cleveland? The Tigers are kicking ass right now with 11 straight wins and the streak is showing no sign of slowing. Could Cleveland be suffering from an inferiority complex when it comes to being Detroit's lesser?

I'm not one for pettiness but America isn't laughing at Detroit right now and the popular consensus seems to be that Cleveland fans were without class last night. I'm down for a friendly sports rivalry and if Cleveland really wants to get into a dick measuring contest, then let's go!

Detroit vs. Cleveland 

1. History

Detroit: Industrial powerhouse that led America into prosperity after the Great Depression and WWII with it's manufacturing and skilled labor forces.

Cleveland: Somewhere south of Detroit with shipping ports to move products made in Detroit.

Win: Detroit

2. White Rappers

Detroit: Hometown of Eminem, one of the best selling artists of all-time and widely respected by the hip hop community and most humans on Earth.

Cleveland: Hometown of Machine Gun Kelly, one of the worst selling "artists" of all-time and signed to Bad Boy Records...not very respected by anyone except teenage girls.

Win: Detroit

3. 90's Television Stars

Detroit: Tim Allen, the cocaine slangin', car lovin' all American hombre.

Cleveland: Drew Carey, the frumpy, nerdy dude that you probably wouldn't be comfortable having around your kids.

Win: Detroit

4. Attractions

Detroit: The Motown Museum, Belle Isle, The Grand River Creative Corridor, The Riverwalk, Countless Marshall Fredrick's Sculptures, Michigan Central Station, Eastern Market, Multiple Casinos, Hart Plaza, The Zoo, etc etc etc...

Cleveland: I think they have the Rock and Roll hall of fame there or something. 

Win: Detroit

5. Rockstars

Detroit: Countless rockers have come from Detroit. Kid Rock, Iggy Pop, Bob Seger, Ted Nugent, Alice Cooper, Jack White, and the list goes on...

Cleveland: I think Trent Reznor is from there. Which is cool but it ain't cuttin' it. I think he actually invented that "emo" shit. 

Win: Detroit

6. Famous Gangsters

Detroit: Numerous gangsters including; The Black Mafia Family, Young Boys Incorporated, The Purple Gang, The Chambers Brothers, and so on and so on...

Cleveland: Danny Green is all I can think of and that's only because they filmed the movie about him in Detroit. 

Win: Detroit

7. Sports

Detroit: Motherfucker, we got the Pistons, The Lions, The Red Wings and the Tigers. Detroit is a world class sports city...and did I mention we beat Cleveland last night? 

Cleveland: The mistake by the lake has the Browns with their shitty uniforms, the Indians with their offensive mascot and the Cavaliers that used to have the league's biggest douchbag, but lost him to Miami and then the city got all emotional about it. 

Win: Detroit

8. Cruisin' 

Detroit: The Woodward Dream Cruise brings thousands of people from all over the world to Detroit every year to enjoy in the car culture born from our factories. It is the largest, highly attended cruise in the world. The Gratiot Cruise is also noteworthy. 

Cleveland: Yall ain't got shit. 

Win: Detroit

9. Car Shows

Detroit: Every year, Detroit hosts the North American Internationl Auto Show which brings the whole automotive industry to downtown so manufacturers can showcase the latest and greatest innovations in automotive we have Autorama. 

Cleveland: I'm sorry...what do you guys do again?

Win: Detroit

10. Location

Detroit: Detroit is in Michigan.

Cleveland: Cleveland is in Ohio. 

Final: Go home Cleveland, you're drunk. 

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