Tuesday, July 2, 2013

David Choe Makes It Rain In Detroit

LA native and Muralist David Choe is claiming that he has hidden $10,000 around Detroit. He says they are mostly one dollar bills and a few hundreds, as well. David Choe became a multimillionaire when he did mural work for Facebook in their headquarter's offices. Mark Zuckerberg gave him two options for payment for his work. He offered Choe a few thousand dollars as one option and some Facebook stock as the other. Choe opted for the pre IPO Facebook stock and when Facebook went public, Choe became stupid rich. So stupid rich, in fact, he has started to leave money around Detroit for fun. The shit rich people do...I wonder if Warren Buffet will be spotted rollin' down Chalmers tossing stock certificates for Berkshire Hathaway out of his car window anytime soon?

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