Thursday, March 10, 2016

'Save Detroit' T Shirt Worn By Amiri King in Newest Video!

Amiri King 'Save Detroit'
Louisville comedian, Amiri King, is wearing Nate Willis' 'Save Detroit Adopt a Crackhead' T Shirt in his latest online comedy rant video. In the video King goes on about how if people delete you as a friend over political differences or anything petty, it's cool because the're not your friends anyway. It's true and an all around decent rant. He does these videos regularly where it's topical and he says whatever is on his mind, a lot of times going after celebrities and stupid criminals in a high energy and entertaining way.

King is an advocate for community policing and law enforcement with a criminal history himself and his comedy appeals to both ex-cons and people involved in law enforcement. His humor can be defined as prison humor. Very raunchy, fuck how you feel about it, what's up? style that people involved with the prison system would be familiar with. 

King has appeared on just about every news network based on the success of his online vlogs concerning police and community relations and the importance of being self disciplined and owning up to your own personal actions and their consequences.

Follow the link to Amiri King's rant and find the video entitled: "Can't we all just get along? You can also find him on Youtube keyword: Amiri King and his page will be searchable. Very funny guy. Check him out.

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