Saturday, October 19, 2013

Mad Depression

It's been chilly and rainy. The summer is over and it almost seems as if fall is going to sneak past in a hurry and old man winter will be back to unfairly impose his oppression on the city in his predictable fashion. Winter lingers in Detroit. It seems as if it never ends and that a malevolent force keeps darkness hovered over the city as if to say, "Fuck you, I hate you. You think you're tough? Well, let's see what you've got." Winter then swoops in and kills the colorful beauty that spring and summer charitably brought to a downtrodden city. No more barbeques, no more outdoor markets, no more car shows, no more sun. Here comes the bitter cold that penetrates the bones, the darkness that suppresses the soul and fuels the anger, the depression that's inescapable and that turns many to drugs and drink in search of an escape from its grasp. Detroit winters weed out the weak hearted. It forces you to look inward for light and to prove your dedication to the city through fight or flight. Some stay, some leave, some have no choice but to stay. I can see it coming once again and I'm in no mood. Here comes the depression.

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