Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Frizzo - Road Maps

At it again with another dope video. This one is called, "Road Maps". The single is available for download on Bandcamp by clicking the following link: Frizzo Road Maps Download. The video was shot partially at the Brewster Douglas Housing Projects. The vacant projects are slated for demolition and have been vacant for years. Graffiti artists made use of the abandoned skyscrapers by doing massive roller pieces that are highly visible from the freeway. Mayor Dave Bing has recently begun demolition on the smaller town home section of the complex and there's no word on when the actual towers will be coming down. The Brewster Projects have been home to a few celebrities such as Diana Ross, Lily Tomlin, and Mary Wilson and were the inspiration for the late 90's early 2000's animated sitcom, "The PJ's".


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